So begins James Thurber s sublimely revamped fairy tale, The 13 Clocks, in which a wicked Duke who imagines he has killed time, and the Duke s beautiful niece, for whom time seems to have run out, both meet their match, courtesy of an enterprising and very handsome prince in disguise. He wore gloves when he was asleep, and he wore gloves when he was awake, which made it difficult for him to pick up pins or coins or the kernels of nuts, or to tear the wings from nightingales. His hands were as cold as his smile, and almost as cold as his heart. She was warm in every wind and weather, but he was always cold. The Duke is eaten by the Todal.Once upon a time, in a gloomy castle on a lonely hill, where there were thirteen clocks that wouldn t go, there lived a cold, aggressive Duke, and his niece, the Princess Saralinda. "Princess Saralinda thought she saw, as people often think they see, on clear and windless days, the distant shining shores of Ever After." Hark reveals that he is King Gwain's servant. The Duke tells them that Saralinda was not his niece and that he stole her long ago. When they get back to the castle, Princess Saralinda, helps them unfreeze the clocks. "If you can touch the clocks and never start them, then you can start the clocks and never touch them." Long ago King Gwain granted her the power to cry jewels. They go to Hagga's house and make her laugh so she cries jewels. Zorn and Golux search for the 1,000 jewels. "Hagga laughed and kept on laughing, and precious jewels twinkled down her cheek and sparkled on the floor, until the hut was ankle-deep in diamonds and in rubies." The Duke knows Xingu is Zorn of Zorna and he gives him a seeming impossible task for Saralinda's hand. When you return the clocks must all be striking five." "I give you nine and ninety hours, not nine and ninety days, to find a thousand jewels and bring them here. He decides he wants to try for Saralinda's hand in marriage. Xingu (Zorn of Zorna) comes to town in search of a fair maiden. "I make mistakes, but I am on the side of Good."

He keeps Princess Saralinda locked in his castle and gives impossible tasks for her suitors. ".the Duke decided he had murdered time, slain it with his sword, and wiped his bloody blade upon its beard and left it lying there, bleeding hours and minutes." Copying the assignment will provide you with a blank sequencing timeline as well as the completed example to edit as you wish. Use the storyboard above as a template, or create your own. Not only is this a great way to teach the parts of a plot, but it also reinforces major events, which helps students develop better understanding of how the events fit together to provide the overall structure of the story. An exceptional way for your students to follow a story is for them to track the events from it.